Płytki Duże Marki Peronda Prostokątne Z rektyfikowanymi krawędziami W przybliżonym formacie 60x120

(48 wyników)
Charme Terra AS Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Charme Terra AS Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Charme Taupe AS Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Charme Taupe AS Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Charme Sand AS Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Charme Sand AS Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Charme Bone AS Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Charme Bone AS Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Manhattan Floor White AS Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Manhattan Floor White AS Rect. 60x120
189,00 zł/m2
Manhattan Floor Silver AS Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Manhattan Floor Silver AS Rect. 60x120
189,00 zł/m2
Manhattan Floor Grey AS Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Manhattan Floor Grey AS Rect. 60x120
189,00 zł/m2
Manhattan Floor Bone AS Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Manhattan Floor Bone AS Rect. 60x120
189,00 zł/m2
Alchemy Floor Pearl AS Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Alchemy Floor Pearl AS Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Alchemy Iron Earth AS Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Alchemy Floor Iron AS Rect. 60x120
179,00 zł/m2
Alchemy Floor Earth AS Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Alchemy Floor Earth AS Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Cluny White All In One Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Cluny White All In One Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Cluny Silver All In One Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Cluny Silver All In One Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Cluny Sand All In One Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Cluny Sand All In One Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Cluny Beige All In One Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Cluny Beige All In One Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Ghent Grey AS 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Ghent Grey AS Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Ghent White AS 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Ghent White AS Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Ghent Silver AS 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Ghent Silver AS Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Ghent Beige AS 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Ghent Beige AS Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Downtown Shaped Anthracite 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Downtown Shaped Anthracite Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Downtown Shaped Beige 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Downtown Shaped Beige Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Downtown Shaped Grey 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Downtown Shaped Grey Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Downtown Shaped White 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Downtown Shaped White Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Lucca White SF Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Lucca White SF Rect. 60x120
199,00 zł/m2
Lucca Grey SF Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Lucca Grey SF Rect. 60x120
199,00 zł/m2
Lucca Beige SF Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Lucca Beige SF Rect. 60x120
199,00 zł/m2
Lucca Anth SF Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Lucca Anth SF Rect. 60x120
199,00 zł/m2
Lucca White HO Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Lucca White HO Rect. 60x120
249,00 zł/m2
Lucca Grey HO Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Lucca Grey HO Rect. 60x120
249,00 zł/m2
Lucca Beige HO Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Lucca Beige HO Rect. 60x120
249,00 zł/m2
Lucca Anth HO Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Lucca Anth HO Rect. 60x120
249,00 zł/m2
Lucca White AS Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Lucca White AS Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Lucca Grey AS Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Lucca Grey AS Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Lucca Beige AS Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Lucca Beige AS Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Lucca Anth AS Rect. 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Lucca Anth AS Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Grunge White As 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Grunge White As Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Grunge Grey As 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Grunge Grey As Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Grunge Beige As 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Grunge Beige As Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Grunge Anth As 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Grunge Anth As Rect. 60x120
209,00 zł/m2
Planet White Lappato 60x120
Peronda - Hiszpania
Planet White Soft Rect. 60x120
199,00 zł/m2

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FSystko, co najlepsze, czyli nowe kolekcje płytek vintage z selekcji Peronda FS

Peronda to hiszpańska marka płytek ceramicznych, której produkty są wyjątkowo popularne w naszym sklepie, ale nie tylko. To kafle chętnie wybierane przez architektów na całym świecie – do lokali komercyjnych i mieszkalnych, szczególnie selekcja FS. To właśnie ją przybliżymy Wam dzisiaj ze zwróceniem uwagi na najnowsze kolekcje kafelków autorstwa tej fabryki.

Created byPaweł Koteluk